Norland CE School

Calderdale Village Schools Federation

Norland CE School

Welcome to Our Website!

Berry Moor Road, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 3RN

Mill Bank, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 3EJ

Norland: 01422831602



Across the Federation we place RSHE at the heart of the school curriculum, in order to ensure a whole-school approach to children's mental health and wellbeing. RHSE education equips pupils to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. RHSE education provides opportunities for children and young people to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and those of others, now and in the future. Our curriculum ensures that all our children become engaged, active and responsible citizens who recognise and value their contribution to society. They gain a perspective of themselves as both local and global citizens. Our school values and RSHE programme are vital in promoting happiness and wellbeing, so that our children can excel in all aspects of school life and indeed, life in general. Through our curriculum we believe we are preparing our children for the next stage in their education, as well as preparing them ultimately for the adult world in modern day Britain.


We base our curriculum around the SCARF materials ( which offers a whole-school approach on the values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. There is a clear link between children's mental and physical wellbeing, and their attainment. A whole-school approach to mental wellbeing, involving teachers, pupils and parents/carers working together can impact significantly on pupils' wellbeing, behaviour and learning.


Through our inclusive curriculum, pupils with identified barriers to learning have equal opportunities to access the RHSE curriculum. Planning is adapted to meet individual children’s needs in line with EHCPs and IEPs.