Norland CE School

Calderdale Village Schools Federation

Norland CE School

Welcome to Our Website!

Berry Moor Road, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 3RN

Mill Bank, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 3EJ

Norland: 01422831602


Here's what our current parents say .....

Parent Questionnaire responses


November 2023



Many thanks to everyone for completing our questionnaire.  This really helps us to consider how we can adapt current practices with suggestions from parents to continue to improve our school.


Responses from 42 out of a possible 55 families were received. All parents who attended parents evening were given the opportunity to complete the questionnaire.


Where individual comments have suggested recommendations these have been detailed below. Where on just one questionnaire an individual class had been identified, for confidentiality purposes an individual comment has not been included, but agree/disagree has been.





Don’t Know


The school has a happy atmosphere




Both boys are excited to go to school

I feel welcome when I come into school




All staff friendly & approachable

My child is happy at school




Both boys are excited to go to school.

She has never been as happy as she is at this school.

This is improving a lot.

The school site is sufficiently secure




Much safer than last school she was at.

The school site is sufficiently safe





The school is well





The school encourages parents to play an active part in school life




Always something going on to get involved in

Sometimes I think too much pressure on parents for taking days off for open days etc.

I feel that there are enough open opportunities for parents to attend school & look at children’s learning




Perhaps an app would make it easier for parents to get involved.

I often miss communication though text messages are great but are only sent for certain events.

I love open days not that I can always come.






I get enough information about what my child is learning in school through parents evenings, newsletters, workshops & open events




I’d love to see weekly class updates.

Have you ever considered using class dojo to correspond with parents? You can add photos to the whole class story & parents can send photos of what the child has been doing plus you can add whole school stories. Parents love seeing pictures of their children learning.

The school has sufficiently high expectations of my child





The school enables my child to achieve a high standard of work





I understand the homework expectation in my child’s year group




Too much homework.

Not sure if what my child tells me is always correct.

School trips & visits are worthwhile experiences










Members of staff are accessible & approachable




Changes in staff can hinder this.

Tried to call & promised call back from St Mary’s but never got one. Happened on a couple of occasions.

The parent/teacher consultations provide me with the information I require about my child’s learning & achievement





The newsletter gives me the regular information I need about the school




Emails sent on behalf of the PTFA would be good.

More photos & more regularly would be good.

Very confusing to read.

The newsletter alone is not good enough. Its gives a good overall view of information but more regular reminders of upcoming events would be helpful, eg. reminders of keys dates, things going on in the coming week. We used to get them but the seem to have dwindled.

I receive the school newsletter by email




This has recently changed.

Sometimes not online so struggle to find it.

I always know what social/fundraising events are being arranged at school




Sometimes reminders would be very useful.

I find the newsletter great.

Most of the time I know.

Although sometimes I forget.

I receive enough information about the school through the newsletter & school website





I use the school website to find out more information about the school, including the school calendar




Would prefer an app.

I tend to look at the newsletter.

Use for term dates & to check rules/uniform

I understand the role & responsibilities of the Governing Body




Only because we’ve not needed to/tried to find out.

I know how to contact a member of the Governing Body if I need to




Not had causes to try.

Only because we’ve not needed to/tried to find out.

I feel that parent’s information meetings support me in being able to assist my child in their learning





The school is welcoming & there are opportunities to get involved










I would find it easy to approach the school with questions or concerns regarding my child(ren)




The issue of shared reception

My enquiries are dealt with quickly & effectively




Not being able to contact school is a problem

I understand what kind of behaviour the school expects from my child(ren)





The school has high expectations of good behaviour





I am confident that the school deals with inappropriate behaviour effectively




Not experienced it.

We have had concerns recently that disruptive behaviour from other children may be impacting our own children’s learning & progression.

This has never been an area needed for my children.

The school’s system of sanctions is effective




Not sure what sanction system is.

No experience of this.

I don not particularly agree with the card system.

Behaviour support is an area that would benefit from further discussion.

The school’s system of rewards is effective




Not experienced it

I understand the school’s policy concerning children being at school on time





I understand the school’s policy concerning children’s absence from school





My child(ren) is/are confident that should they have a problem, there is someone that can go to in school who will listen to them




School have always been fantastic at dealing with my child’s health needs & giving extra support when needed. I cannot thank them enough for this!

Never asked my child.

This is down to my child, not the school.

The school’s vales & attitudes have a positive effect on my child(ren)




My child has improved so well with his behaviour.

The school achieves high standards of good behaviour










The school leadership promotes the school as a church school




Really like the school leadership team

The school’s Christian Values support the ethos of the school





The school makes links with the wider community





The school deals fairly with all pupils





I feel welcome at school assemblies & church services





My child takes part in extra-curricular activities




Available but already over committed with dance out of school unfortunately.

But only because there are clashes afterschool. The programme is good.

He doesn’t want to yet.

She already does a lot outside of school.

I feel the programme of extra- curricular supports my child’s learning & development





School events are held at the most appropriate times




I’d rather the celebration assembly was back Fridays – personally.

Children should be let out after event instead of waiting till 3:30.

I am satisfied with the amount of extra-curricular activities available





I feel the school organises/supports sufficient charity events











You Said:

Actions we have taken:

I use the school website to find out more information about the school, including the school calendar.

The school website has a wealth of information on it, from curriculum information to class information, newsletters and key information.  Please access this at:

The school also now has a facebook page to keep you updated

I understand the role and responsibilities of the Governing Body and know how to contact a member of the Governing Body.

The school website gives more information on the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body.  Please click on the link which will take you to the Governor website page

I feel that there are enough open opportunities for parents to attend school & look at children’s learning

One parent commented there sometimes there is a lot of pressure on working parents to take time off for open mornings. We purposely give the yearly overview of dates at the beginning of the year in the hope that this makes it easier for parents to either be able to attend or arrange for someone else to come into school to attend.  Not all children will have an adult attending and school staff support children where parents can’t attend but we do appreciate that it is a fine balance.

I get enough information about what my child is learning in school through parents evenings, newsletters, workshops & open events

One parent commented that an app would be easier to get involved.  Some people found that the parentpay and teachers2parents app and associated log ins actually made it harder so we have continued with the text service rather than move to this. Text messages will be being utilised much more moving forwards as will the school facebook page for reminders, and also to show what classes have been doing each week.  We have opted for this option rather than the suggested class dojo to limit workload for teachers so they can concentrate on the teaching and learning. If you would like to send photos into school though please do and send them to the school admin address and then we can forward them on to the class teachers too who always have a look at them and speak to the children about them too.

The school enables my child to achieve a high standard of work

One parent commented that they feel their child could be challenged further.  Teachers meet with Mrs Sullivan to discuss pupils who require further challenge as well as support and lessons are adapted to meet the needs of all abilities in classes. Please do make an appointment to see us though if you ever have any queries about your child’s progress, you do not need to wait until parents evenings.

I understand the homework expectation in my child’s year group

3 comments were made about homework. Children are asked to read daily and then a piece of grammar homework and a piece of maths homework is then set weekly, alongside spellings.  If you feel homework is an issue for your child please come and speak to us.

The newsletter gives me the regular information I need about the school.

Newsletters are sent by email.  If you don’t receive these please let us know and we can check your email details in school.  These are usually sent fortnightly to give any updates to information already provided in the overview at the beginning of the year as all dates are set annually, and to celebrate events in school.  Text message reminders are sent out as events are occurring and copies are on the website.  The school facebook page will now also give further updates.  We appreciate that text message reminders were not as regular for a short time, however this should now be rectified. 

We are going to be sending out requests for parents to update information too to ensure we have the correct information in school.

The PTFA also send their own communication too.

My enquiries are dealt with quickly & effectively

2 parents commented that this was an area of concern for them due to a shared reception and being unable to contact school.  When nobody is in one of the school offices the phones are transferred to the other office in order to ensure you can speak to someone rather than just get an answerphone.  The answerphone does come on if there is already someone on the phone though as there is only one line in each school.  Both schools do have mobile phones so can be contacted at all times to get messages through, even if you get through to the off site office.  There is now a new video doorbell that makes accessing the site easier and also please be assured that if you email or phone the school office and leave a message requesting to speak we will get back to you on the same day or the following day if the email is sent later in the afternoon.  Evening phonecalls are regularly made to parents. If you feel this hasn’t happened please send an email to Mrs Sullivan which will then be picked up and actioned.

After Christmas a new phone system is being installed which will allow access to both schools and all classrooms direct from the school office.

The school’s system of sanctions is effective.

The school behaviour policy details the sanctions. The behaviour policy is followed where pupils may occasionally fall outside of the usually expected behaviours. The card system was developed in line with advice from a behaviour consultant.

Celebration Assembly and leaving school after events

The celebration assembly was chosen for a Monday morning to begin the week on a positive, however also since parents receive a text message to come to the assembly giving longer notice


As always if you have any queries or comments, please come and see us at any time.


If you want to arrange to talk to one of our current parents, please call school on 01422 831602 or email and we have a number of parents who will happily give you a call to answer any of your questions!